Thomas Doerr

According to various news sources, Judge Thomas Doerr became involved in a sexual relationship with a subordinate employee after a 2004 Christmas party. 

The woman, identified as Jane Doe in the initial lawsuit, says she and Doerr had a sexual relationship that lasted four years.  It says the sexual encounters occurred in the judge's chambers at his request after he used his authority to get her the job in the probation office. The victim also reported pornography being shared among the judge and staff. This judge's son, John Paul Doerr III, plead guilty to dozens of child pornography charges in 2019 and was sentenced to house arrest instead of the 252 years suggested by law.

Years later, when the victim got engaged and became pregnant, he threatened her with loss of job and manipulated her work assignments so she was constantly in his courthouse. Eventually, she sued. US Judge Cathy Bissoon ruled that the victim could not proceed as a Jane Doe and ordered the victim to reveal her name. Bissoon then denied Thomas Doerr's motion to strike allegations he didn't like from the record. He also tried to get the case dismissed.

Judge Doerr, elected to keep law and order, has made a mockery of the entire local Butler County courts. He is a disgrace, who has been intentionally removed from prosecuting criminal cases due to his lack of integrity or moral compass. He now presides solely over civil cases, leeching tax money on his over inflated salary and pompous legal defense.

Judge Thomas Doerr was also named as a defendant in a lawsuit which alleges he scheduled a hearing with extremely short notice and then unnecessarily put a kid in juvie for 5 days because he threw a fit at school. This, of course, was dismissed (and appealed), with US Judge Cathy Bissom giving the final "sorry, nothing we can do about this" institutionalized child abuse because of Exxon Mobile v. Saudi Basic Industries

Bissoon dismissed another civil rights case where Doerr is named as a defendant.


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